What is the Columbus Global Academy?
Columbus Global Academy is a public school here in Columbus that serves students who have very recently immigrated to the United States. Many CGA students and their families are refugees, having fled recently from violent and war torn countries across the world.
What is The Writer's Studio?
The Writer’s Studio—a partnership between the OSU Writing Center and the Columbus Global Academy (CGA)—is a “hands on” workshop series that seeks to aid and engage with local community members through weekly activities and collaborations.
How does The Writer's Studio engage with CGA community members?
Each week, WC consultants travel to CGA to facilitate activities encouraging students from all over the world to imagine themselves as always-already writers. To do this, we combine students’ unique knowledge and experiences with our own ideas about writing and the writing process, creating hybrid spaces and hybrid literacies that challenge traditional ideas about what “counts” as writing.
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