Selected Publications by CSTW Faculty, Staff, and Consultants

By Susan Lang:

“A Taxonomy of Writing Analytics.” Co-authored with Laura Aull and William Marcellino.  Journal of Writing Analytics 3 (2019). 13 - 37.


“Hypertext Theory: Theoretical Foundations for Technical Communication in the 21st Century.” Co-authored with Craig Baehr. Technical Communication (2019): 93 - 104. Nominated for the CCCC Award for Best Article on Philosophy or Theory of Technical or Scientific Communication.


 “Evolution of Instructor Response? Analysis of Five Years of Feedback to Students.” Invited submission to the Journal of Writing Analytics 2 (2018): 1 – 33.  


 “The Changing Face and Territory of the Practicing Editor.” Invited submission. Co-authored with Laura Palmer. The American Medical Writers Association Journal 33.1 (2018): 38 – 40.


"Reconceiving Technical Editing Competencies for the 21st Century: Reconciling Employer Needs with Curricular Mandates." Co-authored with Laura Palmer. Technical Communication 64.4 (2017): 297-309. Nominated for the CCCC Award for Best Article on Pedagogy or Curriculum in Technical or Scientific Communication.


 “Taming Big Data through Agile Approaches to Instructor Training and Assessment: Managing Ongoing Professional Development in Large First-Year Writing Programs.” Writing Program Administration: Journal of the Council of Writing Program Administrators 39(1), July 2016 pp. 81 – 104. Winner, Kenneth Bruffee Award for Best Article in Writing Program Administration: Journal of the Council of Writing Program Administrators.