The Center for the Study and Teaching of Writing offers five programs that are committed in aiding and advancing OSU's writing community: the Writing Center, Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC), Writing Associates Program, Columbus Global Academy, and Research.

The Writing Center offers free help with writing at any stage of the writing process for any member of the university community. During our sessions, consultants can work with you on anything from research papers to lab reports, from dissertations to résumés, from proposals to application materials. Appointments are available in-person at 4120 Smith Lab, as well as for online sessions.
Writing Across the Curriculum is a program at the Center for the Study and Teaching of Writing that:

- Conducts research on the teaching of writing and its effectiveness in the curriculum.
- Facilitates workshops on strategies for using writing to enhance learning.
- Consults with instructors to help them build strategies for writing in their teaching.
- Supports university program initiatives through professional development, assessment, and course or curriculum design.

The Writing Associates Program is a Writing Across the Curriculum initiative that partners an instructor of a writing-intensive course with an undergraduate writing tutor (the WAs).
These partnerships offer an opportunity for curricular development, as the WAs work with the instructor over the course of the whole semester. Because the WAs are trained in writing pedagogy and peer tutoring, they represent a dynamic resource for writing instructors teaching at any level of the curriculum.
Our goal with this program is to deploy WAs who can help instructors answer questions about their teaching, course design, assignments and rubrics, or other issues. The most successful partnerships involve regular meetings with the WAs where instructors may “check in” on the course or may draw on the WA’s experience to design more effective lesson plans or course components.

The Writing Center offers free help with writing at any stage of the writing process for any member of the university community. During our sessions, consultants can work with you on anything from research papers to lab reports, from dissertations to résumés, from proposals to application materials. Appointments are available in-person at 4120 Smith Lab, as well as for online sessions.

The Writing Center at Ohio State University engages in a number of cross-disciplinary projects. Undergraduate and graduate consultants work with the writing center Director to develop, conduct and, often, implement findings from research. Our center values assessment and continually improving our consultant training and preparation. Consultants are currently working on coding client report forms, coding online synchronous sessions, wellness and self-care in the writing center, and writing groups. These projects have been presented at regional and national conferences. Additionally, consultants are conducting research on new consulting methods, genre and academic writing conventions, and second language learner support, all with the aim of developing new training models and supportive consulting strategies