Established in 1999, the Center for the Study and Teaching of Writing (CSTW) is an interdisciplinary support and research unit in the College of Humanities. CSTW draws upon The Ohio State University's tradition of leadership in the fields of rhetoric, composition, and literacy. CSTW is an interdisciplinary support and research unit in The Ohio State University's College of Arts and Sciences that is committed to fostering excellence among writers and teachers of writing at The Ohio State University and in the state of Ohio.
The Center for the Study and Teaching of Writing is open for consultations Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM- 5:00 PM.
To access the Center for the Study and Teaching of Writing, no appointment is necessary. Drop-in and visit the Center for Teaching and Study of Writing at Smith Laboratory in room 4132. Our hours are Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
Email us at cstw.osu.edu or call us with any further inquiries at 614-688-5865.
To make an appointment with the Writing Center, check out Make a Writing Center Appointment for more information.
To schedule an appointment with any other CSTW program, check out Our Programs.
The Writing Center is a program offered through the CSTW. We are happy to answer any questions about the program, or check out the Writing Center page for more information regarding their offerings!
The CSTW offers OSU community members access to the Writing Center, Columbus Global Academy, the Writing Associates Program, Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC), and Research.
• The Writing Center works one-on-one with undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, and staff at Ohio State on writing projects.
• Writing Across the Curriculum assists instructors with integrating writing into any Ohio State course.
• The Writing Associates Program pairs instructors in writing-intensive courses with undergraduate tutors to assist with student writing and curricular development.
• Columbus Global Academy .....
For detailed information about each program, check out out the What We Do tab on the main menu.
Please refer to each programs page for more detailed information. CSTW programs are listed under the What We Do menu on the homepage. If you have more questions, stop by the The Center for the Study and Teaching of Writing located on the fourth floor of Smith Laboratory or email us at cstw@osu.edu.
Myth »
Fact »
• "The CSTW only serves current OSU writing students so as a Chemistry major, I can't utilize programs and services offered through the CSTW."
• Any OSU community member may utilize the programs and services offered through the CSTW. During our sessions, consultants can work with you on anything from research papers to lab reports, from dissertations to résumés, from proposals to application materials.
• "The Writing Center and the Center for the Study and Teaching of Writing are the same thing."
• The Center for the Study and Teaching of Writing are not one in the same. The Writing Center is a program that is offered through the CSTW. For more information pertaining to the Writing Center, go to The Writing Center under What We Do.