Individual Support:
From In-Person to Online Consultations, the Writing Center is here to serve all writers throughout the University.
Our services have been moved online for the rest of the semester. Writers looking for consultations can get them in two ways →
Current Consultation Options:
Writers can upload their writing along with a few questions or concerns they would like a consultant to address. Consultants will provide feedback, and upload the document in 24-48 hours. If document is not uploaded to WCOnline by the appointment start time, the session is considered a no-show.
Writers can upload a document and chat live with a consultant. Live-Chat consultations are interactive. Unlike Drop-Offs, consultants will not provide comments unless the client is present at the appointed time and active in the session.
Which consultation is right for you?
Drop-off consultations are designed primarily for writers who:
• are working in other timezones
• who WANT to collaborate with our writing consultants,
• have planned ahead and have projects that are not due in the next week (or month),
• have difficulty or feel uncomfortable visiting our Writing Center sites in Smith Lab and Thompson,
• need additional time to read consultant's comments, think about them, and revise appropriately,
• cannot visit during the times when live chat online (WCOnline) or face-to-face consultations (our hours change each semester) are scheduled,
• or who prefer to engage in a session from the comfort of their own home.
Live Chat consultations are designed primarily for writers who:
• would like more immediate feedback on their writing,
• feel comfortable working through ideas with consultants in real time,
• have writing questions with several solutions that would be better explored with a live consultant,
• enjoy discussing their writing options,
• or normally visit one of the Writing Center's in-person consultations for feedback.